- Do keep envelopes and postage on file with the bureau, or supply funds for supplies.
- Do respond quickly to bureau requests for action to claim cards. Unclaimed card backlogs are the bureau’s biggest problem.
- Do notify the bureau of your new call as you upgrade.
- With sufficient supplies on hand at the bureau, we can shift supplies to a different letter, so long as the new and old call are within the ninth district.
- Do include an SASE with any physical information request to the bureau.
- Do notify the bureau in writing if you don’t want your cards.
- Do include a call sign with all correspondence sent to the bureau.
- Do notify the bureau of any change of address.
- Don’t send domestic US to US cards to your call district bureau.
- Don’t expect DX cards to arrive for several months after the QSO. Overseas delivery is very slow. Many cards coming from overseas bureaus are over a year old.
- Don’t send your outgoing DX cards to your call district bureau.
- Please use the ARRL outgoing bureau service for sending cards.
- Don’t send SASEs/supplies to your “portable” bureau.
- For example, W2ZZZ/9 sends supplies to the second district bureau, not the ninth district bureau.
- Don’t send SASEs/supplies to the ARRL Outgoing QSL Service.
- Don’t send SASEs larger than 6 x 9 inches. SASEs larger than 6 x 9 inches require additional postage surcharges.